A new monograph “Polish immigrant organizations in Europe. In search of a new model”

A monograph “Polish immigrant organizations in Europe. In search of a new model ”by Michał Nowosielski and Mariusz Dzięglewski has just been published!

The authors describe the situation of Polish immigrant organisations in selected European countries (Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain) on the basis of field research. Their aim is to explore and explain the conditions under which they operate. This seminal publication presents the first cross-disciplinary research on Polish immigrant organisations. It allows to compare and generalise, enabling the authors to formulate new theoretical proposals, which aim to build a model explaining the situation of immigrant organisations.

The final seminar of the research team in the project “Polish immigrant organizations in Europe”

On June 25, 2020, an online seminar was held to summarize the results of the project “Polish immigrant organizations in Europe”. The assumptions and course of the project were presented (Dr Witold Nowak), the most important results concerning the condition of Polish immigrant organizations in Europe (Dr Mariusz Dzięglewski) as well as the determinants of their state (Dr Michał Nowosielski). Afterwards a discussion with the participation of Prof. Dorota Praszałowicz, Prof. Janusz Mucha, Dr. Michał Garapich and team members was held.

Preparation of the research reports

The research team is working on research reports. Their development is a very important element of the research model. A total of 54 reports have been planned in the project – 53 partial and collective reports, and the final report.

They will be published on the project website.

Completion of the seventh stage of research in the project – an online survey among migrants from Poland

The project team in cooperation with the company MRW – Market Research World completed a study based on the diagnostic survey method carried out using the Internet questionnaire (CAWI) technique – quantitative research of immigrants from Poland on a sample of N = 5000 people who stayed in the country residence for at least three months. A quota sampling was used based on two variables: the respondent’s place of residence (country) and the level of education.

Completion of the fifth stage of research in the project – interviews with representatives of institutions responsible for the coordination, creation and implementation of the Polish diaspora policy

The team of the project “Polish immigrant organizations in Europe” has completed research base on interviews with representatives of institutions responsible for the coordination, creation and implementation of the Polish diaspora policy. The collected materials will be used to prepare detailed research report.

Completion of the fourth stage of research in the project – institutional survey

We have just completed the study based on the method of the institutional survey carried out using the technique of postal and internet questionnaires. The invitation to participate in the survey was sent to 930 Polish immigrant organizations identified in the databases of the Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and consulates in the selected countries. The questionnaire was filled in partially or entirely by 215 respondents, however, after rejecting partial fillings that did not provide at least partial knowledge about the characteristics of the organization, double fillings and by persons representing units that are not, in fact, Polish immigrant organizations (e.g. School Contact Points), 190 questionnaires remained questionnaires that were analyzed.

Completion of the second stage of the project’s research process – interviews with representatives of the host countries’ institutions

The research team for the “Polish immigrant organizations in Europe” project finished conducting interviews with representatives of institutions responsible for coordinating, creating and implementing immigration and integration policies in the host countries included in the project. The reports from this particular research phase, will be available here in the late 2017.